Monday, December 14, 2009

Metamorphosis project

For our metamorphosis project we had to chose a social justice issue and then find inspiration from photographs to create our designs. The issue I chose was Human right to water, meaning that it is an inalienable right for humans to have clean and free drinking water. We had to take one image and morph it into another. If needed we could morph twice. I chose to only morph once. My first design is of a water faucet that has been locked by a corporation. This reflects the many businesses and corporations that are trying to own water and make people pay to have clean drinking water. I then morphed this image into a group of children and a woman who are filling up their water jugs. I left the faces off the people so that they could represent all of those who are affected by corporations restricting water supplies.

Monday, November 9, 2009

9 grid project!

For this project we had to do 16 compositions in a grid of household objects that we arranged into different positions. each square had to have something going off the edge at all four sides. After completing these 16 we then had to narrow down to 9 squares. Then after choosing our 9 drawings we then enlarged them from 3"x 3" to 4"x 4". Once the enlargements were done we then opened up the squares on each side by erasing some of the border to let the white space flow. The final 9 grid was inked in pen. For this project we were supposed to focus on the principles of Gestalt. These two pictures of my final piece and the draft below it show how I dealt with Gestalt in my own work. The bottom is a draft of my 9 grid that had some gestalt groupings. The paint brushes in the 2nd row and 3rd row on the left were very similar. The other grouping was the the middle square and the square below that both of which had large rolls of tape. In the final draft I rearranged my drawings so that the grid is seen as a whole instead of certain groupings of similar objects. This project really taught me how to recognize Gestalt principals and work toward making the whole of a piece the focal point instead of it becoming the different groups in a design.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shape Project

These two pieces come from our second project that dealt with shape. This project required us to take a 4 inch black square and completely cut up and destroy it and then create four different designs, three non-objective and one abstract piece. Above are two of my four designs. The first is the abstract piece which depicts a kite flying high up in the sky. The second is a non-objective piece that I made. In the first design I used strategies such as abutting, mutual tension, and interlocking to obtain a visual relationship between the pieces of construction paper. In the second design it is obvious that abutting was my main strategy for this piece, however there is some mutual tension as well especially with the middle top piece.

Marks Project post #3

This piece explores the balancing of figure and ground in a slightly different way. There is a balance of both figure and ground but instead of the figure being dominate in only half of the piece it is spread out. Both the ground and figure are in equal amounts and the is a balance between the two that is different from the previous posting.

Marks Project post #2

This is another piece from my Marks project that has a different figure-ground relationship. This piece is balancing figure with ground. The ground(white space) is about the same amount and has just as much importance as the figure. We were instructed to try a few pieces where the figure only takes up a small amount of the ground and so the two are balanced. This is one of my attempts at this relationship.

Marks Project post #1

For our Marks Project we had to paint 15 pieces with varied figure-ground relationships that retained the essence of our name without our name being readable. These are two of my fifteen and show different figure-ground relationships. The first has a dominate amount of ground compared to the small amount of figure. The second piece is the opposite with a dominate figure and very little ground showing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm Rachel and this is my first design class at Peace. I have always been interested in art and all that it encompasses from dance to design to drawing and painting. I am excited to finally have a chance to be involved in design and participate in projects that will further my passion.